Tips en tricks met de Visual Studio Debugger

Een tijdje geleden heb ik een webcast opgenomen met Microsoft rond beter debuggen met Visual Studio 2008. Abstract: “De Visual Studio debugger is een tool die door ontwikkelaars nog te weinig wordt gebruikt. In deze sessie tonen we hoe u hem als professional kunt gebruiken en leren we nieuwe techni... [More]

The Missing Linq to SQL Spatial

This article provides hints and hacks on how to use the SQL Server spatial data types -Geography and Geometry- in Linq to SQL. The data provider has a problem with serializing and deserializing the SQL UDT's. If you ever tried to use these data types in a Linq to SQL (or Entity Framew... [More]

Converting Spatial Coordinates with Proj.NET

In my previous article I expressed some disappointment in the usefulness of the Map Projections in SQL Spatial Tools on CodePlex. There's not much you can do with these in a real-life application. Fortunately there's also Proj.NET on CodePlex, a flexible advanced point-to-point coordinate conversion... [More]

God mode for windows 7

I love windows 7, but now I love it even more. Remember these game cheats, called god mode? There is one in windows 7 as well. Thanks to  Simple create a folder called GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Now you can a... [More]