BCS presentation at Techdays Belgium

Last thursday I did a presentation at the Belgium Techdays in Antwerp. My session focussed on the Business Connectivity Service in SharePoint 2010. With the Business Connectivity Service you can integrate external data in the SharePoint and Office user experience. With the new powerfull .NET Assembl... [More]

When being lazy is (finally) good

In this blog post I want to talk about .NET 4 new Lazy<T> class. First of all, why would you need something called Lazy? You can use it for data access for example; when you load a row from a database parent table. Would you need to load the child rows automatically, or delay until they’re re... [More]

Yet another Circular ProgressBar control for WPF

Here is (yet another) WPF circular busy indicator control based on Sacha Barber's Circular Progress Bar. This type of control is useful to indicate that a part of your user interface is waiting for the result of an asynchronous call. The user control is hosts a Canvas in whi... [More]

IntelliSense improvements in Visual Studio 2010

What developer today can live without intelli-sense? Of course I mean developers who have used intelli-sense before (if you don’t know something how can you miss something?). However finding a member in Visual Studio 2008 requires you to know the first letters of the class/method/… I’m quite sure yo... [More]

How to play the Accordion - WPF Toolkit

The accordion is a musical instrument invented in Europe in the beginning of the 19th century. It produces music (or rather noise) by expanding and collapsing it while pressing buttons. This metaphor is applied to software: you may know the Accordion user interface control from Microsoft Outlook's n... [More]