Recently I have been building some core middleware which involves generating some html from a collection of elements.
Writing code to generate html is no fun at all, so I decided to see if I could not use Razor outside of the normal MVC stack.
Simple answer: yes!
I've published this as a package on (scroll down for sources):
Use razor to generate files outside of the normal MVC Controller/View chain, for example in your middleware, or for sending dynamic email messages.
All you need is a HttpContext
To generate contents from Razor as a string
Start by creating a viewModel instance. The ViewModel is used to pass data to the Razor file, ViewData or ViewBag is not supported.
Create a Razor file, using the ViewModel's class as the @model
@model TestRazor.Models.RazorViewModel
Your message: @Model.Message
Then call the RenderToStringAsync
method (which is an extension method on HttpContext
) passing the path to the razor file and the viewmodel. You will get the result back as a string.
var viewModel = new RazorViewModel { Message = "Generated from razor!" };
var contents = await HttpContext.RenderToStringAsync("~/Views/Home/Razor.cshtml", viewModel);
To generate Razor contents to the response stream
Start by creating a viewModel instance. The ViewModel is used to pass data to the Razor file, ViewData or ViewBag is not supported.
Create a Razor file, using the ViewModel's class as the @model
@model IEnumerable<U2U.AspNetCore.NotFound.NotFoundRequest>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Fix 404s</h1>
<thead id="requestHeader">
<th class="path">Path</th>
<th>404 Count</th>
<th>Corrected Path</th>
@foreach (var request in Model)
<tr class="requestRow">
@if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(request.FixedPath))
<input type="text" />
<a href='@string.Format("?path={0}&fixedPath=", request.Path)' class="fixLink">Save</a>
Then call the RenderToStringAsync
method (which is an extension method on HttpContext
) passing the path to the razor file and the viewmodel. The resulting razor content is written to the result stream.
var viewModel = tracker.NotFoundRequests.OrderByDescending(r => r.Hits).ToList();
await context.RenderAsync("~/Views/Shared/NotFound.cshtml", viewModel);
Sources of this package are available on github repository
Any bugs, remarks, etc... can always be sent to