Be Careful with the Implicit Implementation for Interfaces

In this blog post, I will discuss some pitfall when implementing interfaces and how to avoid it.


Examining the problem

Create a new Console project (either .NET Framework or .NET Core, same difference).

Let's start with the ICar interface. This interface has a single Accelerate method.

interface ICar
  void Accelerate();

And we have a Car class implementing the ICar interface.

class Car : ICar
  public void Accelerate() 
    => Console.WriteLine("Vroem!!");

We create an instance of the Car class and call the Accelerate method from both Car and ICar reference.

Console.WriteLine("Calling Accelerate method on Car.");
Car c = new Car();
ICar ic = c;
Console.Write("Car.Accelerate =>    ");
Console.Write("ICar.Accelerate =>   ");

Running the application generates the expected output.

Calling Accelerate method on Car.
Car.Accelerate =>    Vroem!!
ICar.Accelerate =>   Vroem!!

Let's inherit a Tesla class from the Car class.

class Tesla : Car

We will extend our program calling the Tesla's Accelerate method.

Console.WriteLine("Calling Accelerate method on Tesla.");
Tesla t = new Tesla();
Console.Write("Tesla.Accelerate =>  ");
Console.Write("Car.Accelerate =>    ");
c = t;
Console.Write("ICar.Accelerate =>   ");
ic = t;

We haven't overwritten the Accelerate method (yet), so calling the methods on the Tesla instance gives us the same output, since Tesla inherits the Accelerate method.

Calling Accelerate method on Tesla.
Tesla.Accelerate =>  Vroem!!
Car.Accelerate =>    Vroem!!
ICar.Accelerate =>   Vroem!!

So far, so good... But Teslas don't make noise, so let's overwrite the Tesla.Accelerate method:

class Tesla : Car
  public void Accelerate() 
    => Console.WriteLine("Zzzzzzzzz");

Running the program again now shows a different and weird result! Since you're calling the same method on the same object you would expect all invocations to return Zzzzzzzzz!

Calling Accelerate method on Tesla.
Tesla.Accelerate =>  Zzzzzzzzz
Car.Accelerate =>    Vroem!!
ICar.Accelerate =>   Vroem!!

So why do we get different output? Look again at the Tesla class. You'll see a twiggly line beneath the Accelerate method, telling you that Tesla.Accelerate() hides inherited member Car.Accelerate(). Actually, our implementation defaults to the new keyword, so the code looks like this:

class Tesla : Car
  public new void Accelerate()
    => Console.WriteLine("Zzzzzzzzz");

Now things make a little more sense. If you call the Tesla instance using a Car reference you'll call the Car.Accelerate method, and if you call the instance using a Tesla reference you'll call the Tesla.Accelerate method! Our Tesla instance has two Accelerate methods, and you can choose which one to call using the reference type, the class or the interface.

If you want to learn a little more about the difference between the override and new keyword in polymorphism, you should read this article from Microsoft C# docs.

Now we're at the actual problem.

Imagine you have a method taking a Car or ICar argument, and you call it with a Tesla instance. You'll end up with different behavior! Imagine debugging this. When you step into the Accelerate method using a Tesla reference, you'll get a different implementation than when you step into the Accelerate method in your method! This will baffle you for a while, and can result in subtle bugs!

Fixing the problem

The cause of all this confusion comes from the new keyword. Let's replace it with the override keyword!

class Tesla : Car
  public override void Accelerate()
    => Console.WriteLine("Zzzzzzzzz");

In order for the override to compile, we need to make this method virtual:

class Car : ICar
  public virtual void Accelerate() 
    => Console.WriteLine("Vroem!!");

Now the program gives the expected output!

Calling Accelerate method on Car.
Car.Accelerate =>    Vroem!!
ICar.Accelerate =>   Vroem!!
Calling Accelerate method on Tesla.
Tesla.Accelerate =>  Zzzzzzzzz
Car.Accelerate =>    Zzzzzzzzz
ICar.Accelerate =>   Zzzzzzzzz

But hey! We have changed this method to be virtual! And virtual calls are more expensive than normal calls!

The C# runtime uses virtual calls for interface methods

As it turns out, any method you write to implement an interface is called as a virtual method behind the scenes anyway. Undo your changes so the Car.Accelerate is no longer virtual and your code compiles. Open ILSpy, and open your console application with it. Now decompile Program.Main() using IL with C#. Scroll down to the first call of the Accelerate method.

// car.Accelerate();
	IL_0025: ldloc.0
	IL_0026: callvirt instance void ImplementingInterfaces.Car::Accelerate()

As you can see, the runtime uses a virtual call (callvirt) to the Accelerate method, even when it has not been declared to be virtual, since it's an interface method.

Overriding non-virtual interface methods

You could also argue that you don't want derived classes to override the interface's method behavior. But you can do this anyway. How? Look at this example, where I simply re-implement the ICar interface:

class Car : ICar
  public void Accelerate() 
    => Console.WriteLine("Vroem!!");

class Tesla : Car, ICar
  public new void Accelerate()
    => Console.WriteLine("Zzzzzzzzz");

Running the program results in this output. Calling Accelerate using the ICar interface now invokes the Tesla.Accelerate method, effectively overriding the method in the ICar interface.

Calling Accelerate method on Car.
 Car.Accelerate =>    Vroem!!
ICar.Accelerate =>   Vroem!!
Calling Accelerate method on Tesla.
Tesla.Accelerate =>  Zzzzzzzzz
Car.Accelerate =>    Vroem!!
ICar.Accelerate =>   Zzzzzzzzz

So we were able to re-implement the interface method in the derived class. Again, making the base class interface method non-virtual does not protect against overriding the interface method in a derived class!


Implement your class's interface non-private methods to be virtual, this will allow derived classes to override the method in a consistent way. Otherwise, you might end up with confusing behavior depending on the reference used to invoke the method. In many cases, this will also allow you to easily fake these classes during unit testing since you can inherit from the actual class, and fake any interface method simply by overriding it.