God mode for windows 7

I love windows 7, but now I love it even more. Remember these game cheats, called god mode? There is one in windows 7 as well. Thanks to http://windows7themes.net/windows-7-enable-secret-godmode.html  Simple create a folder called GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Now you can a... [More]

Using Workflow4 extensions

Workflow Foundation 4 allows you to add your own custom activities in code. You have a choice of CodeActivity, AsyncCodeActivity and NativeActivity.  CodeActivity is ideal if you want to add a simple activity that doesn’t block. AsyncCodeActivity is great if you need an activity that needs to d... [More]

Blogging Frenzy

Looks like I started to blog a lot more lately, and so do a couple of my colleagues. Check out Nick’s blog: http://blogs.u2u.be/Nick/  And of course Kris’s blog: http://blogs.u2u.be/Kris/ Both of them have gone crazy with Extension methods… So should I?

Cool! Copy as image in workflow foundation designer

Hey, I build slides a lot, so I like this cool feature in workflow foundation 4 designer (using Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2): copy as image. If you need to copy a workflow (or part thereof this only works for the whole workflow, a pity, because you will want copy parts of your orchestration to a docu... [More]

Adding Error Handling to content based routing with WCF

Yesterday I blogged about content based routing with WCF. Today I want to talk about error handling. What if you route to a service that is not available. WCF allows you to define backup services using a backup list. So let’s do this: start by building a compatible backup service. In this case I wi... [More]

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 available today!

I’m downloading it as we speak. So please wait until I’ve done :) Oh, for the first couple of days the download is only available through MSDN subscriber download, but then MS will make it public for everyone. Today Microsoft announced a new (albeit beta 2) release of their flagship developer softw... [More]