Equally divide windows over the screen on OSX (just like windows) 10 October 2017 Peter-Himschoot A cool tip for p [More]
Be careful using target='_blank' 04 October 2017 Peter-Himschoot Security Be careful using ancho [More]
Pin your certificate to your web site with the HTTP Public Key Pinning header 01 August 2017 Peter-Himschoot [More]
Which NuGet package does this class belong to? 01 August 2017 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development  to protect your web [More]
Enforce HTTPS everywhere with the HSTS header 02 July 2017 Peter-Himschoot Enforce HTTPS everywhere with the HSTS headerWith the HTTP Strict Transport Security header you ca [More]
Protect your dotnet core website with Content Security Policy 19 June 2017 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development Protect your dotnet core website with Content Security PolicyThe new Content-Security-Policy HTTP [More]
Release management with different configurations 26 April 2017 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, Azure, Team System So Visual Studio Team Services now has this automatic deployment option, where you can checkin your [More]
Using Microsoft Fakes with mscorlib.dll 29 January 2017 Peter-Himschoot Microsoft Fakes is a tool that allows you to replace any method of any .NET class. This makes it ide [More]
Using Razor outside of MVC for building custom middleware or other generation stuff 16 January 2017 Peter-Himschoot Recently I have been building some asp.net core middleware which involves generating some html from [More]