Implementing Decision Tables with C# pattern matching

Decision tables

Complex business logic can be simplified by implementing this as a decision table using C# pattern matching.

What are Decision Tables?

Decision tables are an excellent tool to model complex business logic, and give you a straightforward way to detect missing combinations which should also be considered.

Below I have a simple decision table to calculate taxes based on age and income.

This example is fictitious!

  • When your income is 0, you pay 0% taxes.
  • As a student you are allowed earn up to 5000 without paying taxes, on the condition you are less than 26 years old.
  • Otherwise, older students pay 20% taxes up to 5000.
  • Students who make more than 5000 pay 25%.
  • All other people pay 25% if their income does not exceed 30000.
  • When you earn more than 30000 you pay 45% taxes, even students.
  • Negative incomes are not possible.
|  income   |  student |    age   | tax rate    |
|     0     |          |          |     0       |
| <   5000  |   true   |  <  26   |     0       |
| <   5000  |   true   |  >= 26   |    20       |
| >=  5000  |   true   |          |    25       | 
| <  30000  |          |          |             |
| >      0  |   false  |          |    25       |
| <  30000  |          |          |             |
| >= 30000  |          |          |    45       |
| <      0  |          |          |    45       |

Using C# Pattern Matching to Implement Decision Tables

C# has support for pattern matching which allows you to take a bunch of values and use combinations of these in logical expressions which are clearer and shorter then the equivalent if statements.

I have implemented the above decision table in the CalculateTaxRate method below.

public decimal CalculateTaxRate(decimal income, bool student, int age)

=> (income, student, age) switch
  (0                   , _    , _    ) => 0M,
  ( < 5000             , true , < 26 ) => 0M,
  ( < 5000             , true , >= 26) => 20M,
  ( >= 5000 and < 30000, true , _    ) => 25M,
  ( > 0 and < 30000    , false, _    ) => 25M,
  ( >= 30000           , _    , _    ) => 45M,
  ( < 0                , _    , _    ) => throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(income)} has to be at least 0")

This code matches the decision table in a perfect way!

Using a switch expression we can implement each row of the decision table.

  • Empty cells in the decision table are implemented using a discard expression _.
  • Constant patterns such as 0 and true are used to check for equality.
  • Relational patterns such as < 5000 are used to compare values.
  • Logical patterns such as and, or and not can be used to combine expressions.

C# will even help you discover missing combinations:

The compiler will issue a warning when you comment out one of the possibilities:

Missing combinations

If you like to learn more, visit pattern matching