U2U Moved to New Offices

If you are a subscriber to my blog, you've probably noticed that it was off-line during the weekend. There was a good reason for this. The boys and girls @ U2U were moving to a new office and have worked hard to get all of it ready for the first course this week. I had a short visit today and must say it looks really good. As a student, you can expect more comfort, a better classroom and also food in the building. And we are very close to a small park where you can take a walk to relax your mind after an intensive morning. Great work Wim and all of the employees in making this transition so fluently. I am off again, flying to Aarhus (Denmark) for a WM-Data custom course. Looking forward to meet that gang again and the other friends in Denmark!

So our new address is:

U2U nv/sa
Z1 Research Park 110
Pontbeek 63
B-1731 Zellik (Brussels)