Renaming a Workflow foundation 4 service 02 October 2009 Peter-Himschoot Workflow Foundation allows you to create a workflow as a service using WCF. You can do this by choosing a “Declarative Sequential Service Library” project from the WCF tab: This will (as usual) create a new project with the service declared in Service1.xamlx. Opening this file will open the work... [More]
AZURE Roadshow at HOWEST - demos 30 September 2009 Nick-Van-den-Abbeele Last week, I did a presentation on Windows Azure at HOWEST, University College West Flanders. As promised, my hands-on-labs of this session. 1. A file archive application to upload/download files into a database in the cloud. This application consists out of a webpage (UploadFile.aspx) to upl... [More]
AZURE Roadshow at HOWEST - demos 30 September 2009 Nick-Van-den-Abbeele Last week, I did a presentation on Windows Azure at HOWEST, University College West Flanders. As promised, my hands-on-labs of this session. 1. A file archive application to upload/download files into a database in the cloud. This application consists out of a webpage (UploadFile.aspx) to upl... [More]
Validation in a WPF DataGrid 30 September 2009 Diederik-Krols WPF In this article I will describe two options to implement validation on the cells and rows of a WPF DataGrid. On the architectural level you have indeed (at least) two options when it comes to validation. You can decide to validate through independent reusable logic captured in ValidationRules, or yo... [More]
A minimalistic template for an editable WPF DataGrid 30 September 2009 Diederik-Krols WPF By default, a WPF DataGrid operates in its birthday suit, with no decorations at all. For your end user this is not intuitive, so you should provide some fig-leafs here and there. In my humble opinion, at least two rows should be easily identifiable in any editable grid: the 'new' row (gener... [More]
Silverlight deployment: deploying to multiple environments 29 September 2009 Peter-Himschoot WPF/Silverlight Today I got an interesting question, namely they were using services in their silverlight application, but each time they needed to deploy they unzipped the .xap file to change the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig configuration to use their production server. of course this meant re-zipping back to .x... [More]
Workaround: WPF DataGrid hangs Visual Studio.NET 29 September 2009 Diederik-Krols WPF Welcome to a WPF DataGrid crash course ... literally. It will show you how Cider can give you a hangover. It took me 45 minutes, 10 process kills, and a full reboot to figure out what was going on in my application, so I gladly share my experience. Part one: the bug Create a WPF Form w... [More]
Inserting, Updating, and Deleting from a WPF DataGrid 29 September 2009 Diederik-Krols WPF You already know how easy it is to implement databinding in the WPF DataGrid from a previous article. Let's dive just a little bit deeper, and decorate this application with the code to trigger insert-, update- and delete-calls against the underlying Model and/or Data Access Layer. I'll stick t... [More]
Multiple Silverlight controls in 1 XAP 27 September 2009 kevin-derudder Basically, when you are creating a website with 2 Silverlight contols, you need to have 2 xap files in your ClientBin folder. It would be better if you could have 1 xap file but you decide which usercontrol you want to see. A solution could be using InitParams in the object tag in your HTML file: ... [More]
Multiple Silverlight controls in 1 XAP 27 September 2009 kevin-derudder Basically, when you are creating a website with 2 Silverlight contols, you need to have 2 xap files in your ClientBin folder. It would be better if you could have 1 xap file but you decide which usercontrol you want to see. A solution could be using InitParams in the object tag in your HTML file: ... [More]