U2U List Properties Feature: new version released... 03 July 2008 Karine-Bosch SharePoint Community Tools U2U List Properties Feature: new version released... [More]
New CAML Builder Feature Version Released 01 July 2008 Patrick-Tisseghem New CAML Builder Feature Version Released [More]
Italian SharePoint Conference 2008 20 June 2008 Patrick-Tisseghem Italian SharePoint Conference 2008 [More]
U2U SharePoint Job Definition Configurator 18 June 2008 Karine-Bosch SharePoint Community Tools U2U SharePoint Job Definition Configurator [More]
U2U Site Properties Feature: new version released... 18 June 2008 Karine-Bosch SharePoint Community Tools U2U Site Properties Feature: new version released... [More]
Indexing and Searching Documents in Multiple Languages (Part I) 01 June 2008 Patrick-Tisseghem MOSS 2007 Indexing and Searching Documents in Multiple Languages (Part I) [More]
Norwegian Developer Conference Presentations 01 June 2008 Patrick-Tisseghem SharePoint General Norwegian Developer Conference Presentations [More]
Determine if MOSS is installed by checking the Registry key 01 June 2008 Karine-Bosch SharePoint 2007 Determine if MOSS is installed by checking the Registry key [More]
U2U Caml Query Builder Feature: new version released... 01 June 2008 Karine-Bosch SharePoint Community Tools U2U Caml Query Builder Feature: new version released... [More]