Recently British Airways got hacked and more than 380.000 payment cards got compromised. So how could this have happened? Imagine that BA uses some external JavaScript library. If a hacker can change this external source and add his/her own code to the library, it is a piece of cake to steal any information that the user enters on the website. So how can you avoid this hack?
This blog post is a follow-up on the [session](
duplicate MAC addresses on Raspbery Pi
I was recently experimenting with Windows 10 for IoT on a
What if you have a website
![Named Arguments](
Using NuGet packages in your project is very practical, until you need to debug... With Source Link you can now step through NuGet packages with ease!
I recently did some development for Android using Xamarin in Visual Studio for Windows. Last time I
This is a small post to emphasize why you should only load the things you need with Client Side Obje