Introducing Windows Azure Table Storage 06 July 2011 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, VS2010, Azure Windows Azure storage gives you several persistent and durables storage options. In this blog post I want to look at Table storage (which I prefer to call Entity storage because you can store any mix of entities in these tables; so you can store products AND customers in the same table). For t... [More]
Debugging those nasty Windows Azure startup-code problems with IntelliTrace 03 July 2011 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, Azure, VS2010 1. Introducing Intelli-Trace How do engineers figure out what caused a plane crash? One of the things they use is the black-box recording, which recorded all mayor data from the plane prior to the crash. This recording allows them to step back in time and analyze step-by-step what happened. Microso... [More]
Building a Storage Account helper class (and forget about it) 02 July 2011 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, VS2010, Azure When you use storage with the managed API’s, you always need to use a storage account, and make sure you setup the whole thing correctly. The way to do this is slightly different when building a web role versus a worker role, so I decided to tackle this problem by building a simple class that takes ... [More]
Running multiple sites in one Windows Azure Web Role 28 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot Azure, VS2010, .NET Development Since the release of the Windows Azure SDK 1.3 it is possible to host multiple sites in one web role. In this blog post I will show you how to do this. 1. Creating the Azure project Start by creating a new Azure Cloud project. Add a single WebRole project (call it MultiSitesWebRole) to it: Hit ... [More]
Remote debugging a Windows Azure Worker Role using Azure Connect, Remote desktop and the remote debugger, part 3 27 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, Azure, VS2010 This is the third part of the “Remote debugging a Windows Azure Worker Role using Azure Connect, Remote desktop and the remote debugger”. In this part I will show you how to attach the remote debugger on your worker role and start debugging… Step 3: Connect to the remove debugger In the previous b... [More]
Remote debugging an Azure worker role using Azure Connect, remote desktop and remote debugger, part 2 25 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot This is the second part of the “Remote debugging a Windows Azure Worker Role using Azure Connect, Remote desktop and the remote debugger”. In this part I will show you how to get the remote debugger on your worker role. Step 2: Copy the remote debugger on your worker role instance Start by creatin... [More]
Remote debugging an Azure Worker role, using Azure Connect, Remote desktop and the remote debugger 22 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot Azure, .NET Development, VS2010 So, you have some code running in a Windows Azure Worker role on Azure (not on the Azure Compute Emulator) and you need to debug what is going on. In this blog post I will show you how you can use Azure Connect, the remote desktop and the remote debugger to look inside your worker role. WARNING: t... [More]
Getting Started Developing on Azure: Creating the Hosted Service and Storage Account 20 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, Azure, VS2010 This is the next post on Getting Started developing on Azure with Visual Studio 2010 and Installing the Azure Management Certificates. Starting to develop on Azure with Visual Studio can be a lot to eat the first time. Getting Visual Studio ready, including installing the Management Certificates an... [More]
Installing the Azure Management Certificates 16 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, Azure, VS2010 This is the next post on Getting Started developing on Azure with Visual Studio 2010. Starting to develop on Azure with Visual Studio can be a lot to eat the first time. Getting Visual Studio ready, including installing the Management Certificates and so on is not a simple task (the first time anyw... [More]
Getting started developing on Azure with Visual Studio 2010 14 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot Azure, VS2010, .NET Development Starting to develop on Azure with Visual Studio can be a lot to eat the first time. Getting Visual Studio ready, including installing the Management Certificates and so on is not a simple task (the first time anyway). So that is why I made this little walk-through series on starting to develop on Az... [More]