Bouvet (Norway) Extending a BluePrint Sample

Yes, I know, it has been a while since I opened up Live Writer and updated my blog. But I'll do my best to work on it again on a regular basis.

This week I am in Stavanger, a nice little place in Norway, with a lovely harbor and it is also this year's cultural capital of Europe. The training for this week is an on-site at Bouvet, one of the services companies in Norway that focuses very heavily on SharePoint. Yesterday, I had my Silverlight/SharePoint talk and they showed me a very cool extension they added to the BluePrint ColleagueViewer Web Part. Really like there approach to pick it up, learn from it and add new stuff to it. Here is a small screencast showing the extension. Basically they have a document library in SharePoint with all of the CVs of their consultants and employees. That one is indexed and a search is executed programmatically in the WCF service that is running in the background for this sample. All of the results together with profile information is then picked up by the Silverlight application.


I am interested in other work that has been done with the samples. All the samples will be soon into the BluePrint S+S format.

Right, back to work now.