Very Spatial Wishes

Last year I encountered this T-SQL script on a MSDN Forum. Run it in SQL Management Studio (not Visual Studio!), and select 'Spatial Results': -- Original Source:   -- Prepare the scene CREAT... [More]

Farewell Visitor

The Visitor design pattern was first documented in 1995 by the Gang of Four. It’s a workaround for the fact that most strongly typed object oriented languages only support single dispatch, even when sometimes double dispatch is required. With C# 4, we no longer need this workaround. We now have some... [More]

Scripting in integration services data flow

If you wander how we can program our own conditional splits in SSIS data flow, or implement our own asynchronous transformations, or implement things such as a Year-To-Date, then you forgot to attend my session at the SQL Server Day. Luckily you can catch up with the slides and code samples on my we... [More]

Lambda Curry in F#

Bart De Smet commented on my post about Lambda Curry in C#, saying (amongst other things) that F# supports currying out of the box. That’s true, and it’s a nice feature of the language. However, it is a mechanical operation, almost identical to what the following C# extension method does: public&#... [More]