Visual State Manager or rather Behavior ? (part 2) 19 June 2011 Michael-Van-Wesemael Silverlight, Visual State Manager, Windows Phone In part 1 I set up the service and the WP7-application. The WP7-application will poll the service regularly for asking the distance to the closest friend. Let's now finish the WP7-app so we can show the distance by a little indicator. When closer than 2 (km? miles ? light-years ? You choose) the ind... [More]
Installing the Azure Management Certificates 16 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot .NET Development, Azure, VS2010 This is the next post on Getting Started developing on Azure with Visual Studio 2010. Starting to develop on Azure with Visual Studio can be a lot to eat the first time. Getting Visual Studio ready, including installing the Management Certificates and so on is not a simple task (the first time anyw... [More]
Visual State Manager or rather Behavior(part 1) 16 June 2011 Michael-Van-Wesemael Silverlight, Visual State Manager, Windows Phone During an interesting event last week, discussing the virtues of Silverlight apps out of the browser, I was confronted with Behavior. I should probably be ashamed because I never heard of them before. Because they have a high coolness- and awesomeness-level I checked if they were also available for ... [More]
Getting started developing on Azure with Visual Studio 2010 14 June 2011 Peter-Himschoot Azure, VS2010, .NET Development Starting to develop on Azure with Visual Studio can be a lot to eat the first time. Getting Visual Studio ready, including installing the Management Certificates and so on is not a simple task (the first time anyway). So that is why I made this little walk-through series on starting to develop on Az... [More]
Creating and Using Custom Performance Counters in Windows Azure 20 May 2011 Peter-Himschoot Azure, .NET Development, VS2010 Building software, especially software running on servers, requires some way to look “inside” the running application. Using the debugger is one way, but you cannot use a debugger on production applications. A better way is to use performance counters. These give you a way to see things, like how ha... [More]
Azure Toolkit released for iOS. 09 May 2011 Peter-Himschoot Reblogging from Wade Wagner, but I ‘m too excited just to include the link: I’m extremely excited to announce the immediate availability of the Windows Azure Toolkit for iOS (v1.0.0). This toolkit contains resources and services designed to make it easier for iOS developers to use Win... [More]
Updating WP7 live tiles without push notifications 01 May 2011 Michael-Van-Wesemael Push Notifications, Silverlight, Windows Phone While experimenting with push notifications for updating your live tiles, I found the ShellTileSchedule-class. It sounded interesting enough to play around with it. On MSDN I found following description for this class : Creates an object which allows an application to schedule updates of its tile's... [More]
Saving an Image to the Pictures Hub 28 April 2011 Michael-Van-Wesemael Images, MediaLibrary, Silverlight, Windows Phone, XNA Something that will also be discussed during the upcoming Windows Phone course, here at U2U, is the cooperation between Silverlight for Windows Phone and XNA. At the end of my previous blog post, I was left with one more challenge: saving my modified picture to the Pictures Hub. Until shortly I tho... [More]
U2U Consult TechDays 2011 CD Available for Download 25 April 2011 Kris-Vandermotten .NET, Tools, WCF At TechDays 2011 in Antwerp, U2U Consult distributed a CD-ROM with two free tools. I’m happy to announce that the CD-ROM contents is now also available for download from our web site. The U2U Consult SQL Database Analyzer is a tool for SQL Server database administrators and developers. It displays ... [More]
Using a server side Prism module catalog in Silverlight 24 April 2011 Diederik-Krols Silverlight Prism 4.0, Managed Extensibility Framework, and Silverlight 4.0 provide an ideal combination to develop robust and flexible enterprise applications. This article explains how you can keep the Prism module catalog in such an application on the server side. In most of the Prism Quickstarts, ... [More]