A C#/XAML FlipView Context Indicator for Windows 8

This article presents a FlipView context indicator control for Windows 8 UI Style apps. FlipView is a Windows 8 items control that displays one item at a time. It allows traversing its collection of items through a horizontal flick gesture. There are some limitations in its usage. In an app, the max... [More]

The taming of the Metro GridView

This article describes how to restyle the Metro GridView to host a single page app like the sample Weather and Finance apps. I'll show you how to get rid of the default disco effects of this control - like the swiping behavior and the pressed animation. For this article... [More]

Modal Dialogs in Windows 8 Metro

This article describes how to create modal dialogs in a Windows 8 MVVM Metro-style app. Here's the use case: a main page opens a dialog and provides it with some information. The dialog is displayed in the center of the screen, and collects some information. As long as the dialog is o... [More]

Look Mom, I’m on the Tablet Show

People that know me will definitely confirm that I’m a silent, modest person, always trying to keep a low profile . Last week, however, Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell from the Tablet show pulled me way out of my comfort zone to produce a podcast on the development of enterprise application... [More]

Using Dynamic XAML in Windows 8 Metro

This article describes how the Windows 8 Metro Consumer Preview deals with three standard ways of dynamically applying a look-and-feel to XAML controls. When working in Metro with XAML and data, you will want to maximally leverage the data binding capabilities of the platform fro... [More]

A XAML Settings Panel for Windows 8 Metro

This article describes how to create a custom Settings Panel for a Windows 8 Metro app (Consumer Preview) using XAML and C#. It also describes a way to broadcast the new settings to the app's components. Apps written in JavaScript and HTML5 can make use of the SettingsFlyout control. There's a full ... [More]

Using the CarouselPanel in Windows 8 Metro

Warning: content applies to Windows 8 Consumer Preview only. In the current release, the CarouselPanel can not be used in stand alone mode anymore. This short article describes how to use the CarouselPanel in a Windows 8 Consumer Preview Metro style app. Don't expect the spectacular rotating 3D eff... [More]

A StringFormat converter for Windows 8 Metro

Some people seem to think that the world has only one language, one currency, and one way to represent a date, a time, or a number. So WinRT comes without a StringFormat option in data binding. I know for sure that I never built a WPF or Silverlight application without extensively using that StringF... [More]